Physio Services

Home visits:

At some period in your life a medical condition may not allow you to drive or travel. So we are happy to visit you in your own home.

Back and Neck Pain:

These are the most reported medical conditions across the general public.  In addition to low back pain, also sciatica, shoulder, neck and arm pain that people need help to resolve as soon as possible.

Hip and Knee replacements:

These operations are very common now and it is important that you progress at the right pace so you can be totally independent again as soon as possible. Our guidance and management of your confidence is crucial for you to get mobilising again, at the right pace for you.

Whiplash Injuries:

These are extremely serious and can be very debilitating. Confidence building for self treatment and physiotherapy that is appropriate for you is crucial so you make the optimum progress and recovery.

Sports Injuries:

It is great that you exercise, but part of regular sport sometimes leads to over-use injuries occurring. The sooner you get appropriate advice, treatment and support the quicker you can get back to your activity with advice how to avoid such injuries in the future. This is all part of the physiotherapy process and will indicate when and where coaching is necessary.

Tennis or Golfers Elbow:

This is a very common condition and not often related to Tennis or Golf at all but an overuse injury. Advice how to continue your work and sport while you recover is crucial – the sooner we see such a condition the quicker it will settle and ensure you’re free from pain and avoid this condition and recognise such symptoms for the future.

Sprains and Strains:

This is where soft tissues such as tendons, ligaments and muscles are damaged and need to repair, often with symptoms of pain and swelling. Knowing how to manage and treat appropriately is paramount for the speed of recovery.

Sports Coaching:

Many training and associated injuries can be avoided with the correct progression into your chosen sport. It is important that you progress at the right pace and your techniques are monitored so that your improvement avoids such set backs as injuries. More is not always the best strategy, it takes time for the body to adjust and grow stronger as well as improving propreoception, coordination, flexibility, stamina and endurance.  They all play their part in you becoming fitter and better at your chosen activity.

RSI/Work Related Injuries:

No matter what your occupation – whether heavy manual work or sitting in an office most of the day, there are many conditions that occur relative to the type or work you do. These injuries can be avoided by appropriate assessments, advice, training such as manual handling and posture re-education.


If you have been out of work or your chosen sport for some time the rehabilitation programme is very important to help your confidence and allow you to adjust back physically as well as psychologically and return to what you want.

Broken Bones:

Broken bones are when the bone is fractured.  There are many types of fractures; spiral, hairline, compound fracture to mention but a few.  The complexity of the fracture will depend on the bone involved; therefore different bones will need different management, for example, it can take a year for bones to remodel themselves.  Therefore the correct management in the early stages is paramount for optimum repair and for you to return to independence and avoid any complications in the future.